Here is my 10 top list for each one of the card types in yugioh...(and some extras...) ------ Monsters 10.- Sinister Serpent. The effect to return to your hand is probably one of the mos useful in the current enviroment. Delinquent Duo? they just only discarded one random card... and paid 1000 LPs. 9.-GAF. 2300 ATK 4 stars... It was better before Spear dragon appeared, but still useful, a staple in a Warrior Deck 8.- Bazoo. This guy is a hasted Summoned Skull, although is not always good idea to remove cards from your graveyard, im sure that in most situations an attack of 2500 whitout a sacrifice is more useful than those cards removed (just be careful of Kycoo and Fiber Jar) 7.- Kycoo. Preety good attack, remove cards from your opponets graveyard, defeats Bazoo,Skull Lair and prevent some summons like Dark necrofear. 6.- Spear Dragon. 1900 ATK with trample, Excelent attack, even better ability. The drawback is not as bad as the GAFs but an opponents Spear Dragon attacking yours in defense hurts in the same way. 5.- Fiber Jar. This thing not only reset the game but also give you a chance to attack your opponent wide open. Combining with Kycoo rocks! (like the picture :P) 4.- Marauding Captain. The ability to give you an extra summon is amazing, summon X-force with him and destroy a monster on the field without losing your normal summon. His ability to protect your other warriors while he is face up can be abused in some sitations (2 marauding, Imperial order...) 3.- Exilied Force. The Beatles! (And Pete Best), or just X-Force. You lose your normal summon when you use it but that is just only if you normal summon it, there are other ways to take them out without losing that precious normal summon, The easiest is: marauding, but that`s just one... (and killing a Jinzo, a Barrel Dragon or a S.S. with them is like having a monster with the same ATK) 2.- *Jinzo. Well... It is Jinzo! He was on the 1st position for a long time until Yata claimed for his throne (in my list obviously). A staple in almost any deck, many people stopped using traps (very useful ones) thanks to this guy but he is still good blocking your opponents Mirror Force, Cylinders, Imperial, Call, and Torrential. 1.- *Yata-Garasu. The crow... This card changed a bit the metagaming in yugi, now many decks runs hand disruption cards like Confiscation and Delinquent (before Yata appeared there were less...). The restrictions arent enough to balance the brokeness of this card, but still is not invincible, just as I mentioned, now there are plenity of hand disruptors running so, in many situations yata is thrown to graveyard whitout being a threat. HONORIFIC MENTION TO: Summoned Skull, Cyber Jar, Needle Worm, and Barrel Dragon. ---- Magics 10.- UWS. The equip cards are not useful anymore, well just look the next magics... M/T removals. But UWS have potential just be sure you can swarm your opponent (Sounds like marauding) and hit directly... 9.- MST. Removing Field M/T is a Key factor to win in yugi, MST not only remove any M/T on the field but also counter some others like Premature, Call, Power-ups... Just one of the most versatil cards in this game 8.- [Heavy Storm and Harpie`s Feather Duster] -Heavy Storm. What`s better than removing one M/T? Removing them all! Most of the times when you`ll use it you wont have any cards on your side of the field (but probably you will be killing just one or two of your opponent`s). -*HFD. And what`s even better than removing all M/Ts? Removing only all your opponent`s M/Ts!! (Obvious dosen`t it?) 7.-[Forceful Sentry, Delinquent Duo, and Confiscation] -Forceful Sentry. The hand disruption factor, always better with Confiscation. Although it dosen`t destroys, places the opponent in card disvantage, and you see his hand. -Delinquent Duo. More Card Disvantage and killing 2 cards, just for 1000 LP -Confiscation. Pay 1000 and you kill that evil crow, easy... 6.- Dark Hole. Mass monster removal, including yours. You Know that situation, your opponents have an army of toughies, you just have a Sangan, then... Darkhole! And Yata lock! Game over. You win. (well that`s posible...) 5.- *Pot of Greed. Drawing two cards, thining your deck, and giving you card advantage, amazing card, but I feel that Graceful is even better. 4.- Change of Heart. This card has too many uses, need a monster for sacrifice? use your opponent`s, That face down monster looks like a threat? Use his flip effect, You only have a kycoo and your opponent have a S.S, hit with both! Or simpliy do all that things at the same time! (well, not at the same time but in the same turn). 3.- Monster Reborn. Taking a monster from your or your opponents graveyard whitout costs or drawbacks, in many situations makes you win the game. You just dumped that Barrel with Graceful? revive it! Your X-Force hasnīt showed yet? Use your opponent`s X-force! 2.- Graceful Charity. Drawing is key, and the most powerful drawing card in the current enviroment is Graceful (you draw 3!) ,it doesn`t give you card advantage but speed up your deck, discarding more than a drawback is an added bonus, just revive that Jinzo, S.S. or Barrel, swarm, and hit hard! 1.- *Raigeki. Mass monster removal without draw backs, giving you: Monster(No monsters for your opponent, Card (Just played one, your opponents lose as much as monster) and Field (The field is clear! Attack!) advantage, what else do you need? (Jesuschrist? :P) HONORIFIC MENTION TO: Premature Burial, Creature Swap, Snatch Steal. ----- Traps 10.- Skull Lair. A constant Trap hole, but in today`s enviroment is not good idea to abuse in the graveyard removal thing. 9.- Bottomless Trap Hole. Again... you can kill, and remove normal or specials summons, wasting your opponent`s cards like Monster Rebron, pretty useful. 8.- Torrential Tribute. Like the dark hole, just a little weaker. If applied in the right time can win you a game... 7.- Gravity Bind. Once upon a time... this card was incredibly useful, giving advantage to weenies like White Magical Hat or Dream Clown, a whole deck based on this appeared. In today`s enviroment it still have it`s uses but is not that great anymore. 6.- Fairy Box. not just negating the attack but reducing it to 0 is really evil, your man eater in attack position can kill a Blue Eyes... And its cost is fair, I think. 5.- Waboku. Negate the damage of all your opponents monsters, even more useful with the fact that you can activate it in response to a M/T removal. 4.- *Magic Cylinders. Hurting your opponents LPs directly and protecting yours make this an staple. A super pumped and equiped Bazoo is gonna hit you directly? Cylinders! 2500+ damage to your opponents LPs 3.- CoTH. Revive anything from your graveyard, even better if its Jinzo. 2.- *Mirror Force. Surprise! Your army explodes! The last resort counter to an overwhelming attack, kill all those tough monsters with one card...(I`m writing like a... oh nevermind) 1.- *Imperial Order. Which is the best trap? The trap that can`t be destroyed by a M/T magic removal, and protect you from any other magic, yes that is Imperial Order, one of the most Broken cards in the game. Pull it out in your first hand and summon those 2 marauding... now they are "almost" invincibles. Well not only that but you can lock down your opponent if he depend in too many magics... HONORIFIC MENTION TO: Trap Hole, SOlem Wishes, Drop Off ----- Extras: ++++ 5 Top of the most overrated cards ++++ Note: Im not saying that these cardas are bad, im saying that they are not as good as the people belive... 5.- Gemini Elf. Well, those are 1900, but nothing else, there isnt any other thing beside hitting that those ladies can do... 4.- Ha-Des. (Haha, that name sounds...) Whats up with this guy? His name is funny, he looks funny and also he dies in that same funny way... Trap Hole! And he dies and you are sure he isnt returning... The best he can do is to kill a Fiber or a Witch... 3.- Injection Fairy Lily. I love that picture, but i dont like to pay 2000 LPs just for kill something and doing damage from 400 to 3400. In the best scenario the diference between the damage and the LPs paid would be 1400..., But still she is a good finisher. 2.- BEWD. 3000 whoa! Big bad ass, but again like the gemini, nothing else, 2 tribute is costly and without some effect like the Barrel is not worth the effort of reviving it either (well the tyrant is worse on the reviving part...). 1.- Tyrant Dragon. Another BBA. for 2900, this guy could have been one of the best monsters, but the fact that you have to tribute in any scenario (except if you use the "Chosen one", haha) to summon it make him not that whorthy... ++++ 5 Top of the most underrated cards ++++ 5.- Last Will. Combo for sure... Cannon SOldier, burn then take out a Hayabusa and hit..., Kill something with X-Force then bring out a White Magical Hat, and disrupt their hand. Sounds cool, although some times is not that easy. 4.- Banisher Of the Light. Good defense, good effect,and what else do you need to kill an Exodia, whitout their sangan and witch triggering and without a graveyard to recover their pieces...? 3.- Fiend Comedian. You have a fiber jar on the field... then you activate fiend comedian (there is nothing to worry about, because if you throw away your entire deck you will recover it via fiber) but what if you remove your opponets graveyard, and then flip de fiber? 2.- Zombyra. Not only this guy have the attack and kill Geminis and Spears, but also is a warrior. He cant attack directly but can stand as a barrier. 1.- White Magical Hat. Not really that underrated but most of the people undertimate his power as hand disruptor, in the right situation it would give you the game... ******************************************************** Anything you wanna send me please put "Yugioh" as subject, other wise I would think is spam and sent it to the grav... uhh trash thing...